OPGG 2022-2023

Name of the project

Implementation of an integrated spatial development policy for the coastal territories of the Danube River in Bulgaria by applying innovative and inclusive models between authorities, citizens and businesses


Operational programme “Good governance” 2014-2020

Project duration

12 months


59 276,44 BGN, 50 384,97 BGN (85%) from the European Social Fund and 8891,47 BGN (15%) – national co financing.

Project description


1. Contribution to partnership governance with citizens and businesses, who, together with municipal authorities and state power structures in the region, participate in the implementation of an integrated spatial development policy for the coastal territories of the Danube River in Bulgaria. Within the framework of the project, models for the implementation of sectoral policies in the Danube region are studied, consulted, systematized, and presented, together with all stakeholders.


2. Contribution to open and responsible governance in the Danube municipalities by providing local authorities, relevant structures of state authorities, businesses, and citizens with models to support them in the implementation of a complex integrated policy.



1. Overview of European best practices of models of interaction between authorities, citizens, and business and of types of activities in the sectors of the integrated policy for spatial development of coastal territories of the Danube River in terms of management and financing;


2. Review, consultation and systematization of the main types of activities (investments, projects and other initiatives) and models of interaction that stakeholders in the Danube municipalities are to implement in the sectors included in the integrated policy for spatial development of the coastal territories of the Danube River;


3. Development of a Manual for the implementation of an integrated policy for the spatial development of the coastal territories of the Danube River in the Danube municipalities by applying innovative and inclusive models between authorities, citizens and business.


