INTERREG 2014 - 2020

Name of project


 Development and adoption of a joint institutionalized partnership on risk management on excessive proliferation of insects affecting public health and safety within the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria



Programme Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria 2014-2020.

Lead partner

Association of Danube River Municipalities “Danube” (ADRM)


“LIVING NATURE” Foundation, (LNF)

City Calarasi, Romania

Project duration

24 months


€ 1,347,194.38


€ 1,145,115.22


co financing

Bulgaria – € 125,066.05

Romania – € 50,069.22

Own contributions

€ 26,943.89

Project description






















The main objective of the project is to improve considerably the joint risk management in the cross- border region by developing joint institutionalized partnership. The project will result in the formation of a sustainable joint Bulgarian-Romanian institutionalized partnership, based on expertise and technological advancements, with clear commitments to the competent institutions and mechanism to update and improve policies of risk management.

The main activities of the project are:

- Conduct of 2 surveys on how is the quality of joint risk management on excessive increase in insect population in the RO-BG CBC area appreciated;

- Preliminary study of the problem in the region and identification of risk areas; study of best practices for joint control over the population of insects;

- Development of a joint strategy for risk management;

- Set up of a joint institutionalized partnership on risk management;

- Development of GIS on endangered areas;

- Consultations with stakeholders and the expert community:

• roundtables: 8 in Romania and 6 in Bulgaria;

• final conference in Bulgaria.

Result of the project will be the forming of a joint institutionalized partnership management risks associated with the proliferation of the population of mosquitoes, ticks and other insects in the cross- border region. The project will set up a set of cross- border mechanism and will include a safe and effective process of disinfection - joint analysis of climatic conditions, risk identification, methods of coordination in the treatment against insects.

The project will contribute to the overall economic development of the region. Health and safety of citizens are key prerequisites for economic growth and the joint partnership to control the population of insects will contribute to an efficient, sustainable and secure mechanism for prevention of epidemics and will reduce the risk. 




