Invitation to a workshop on the EcoDaLLi project

2023-09-25 17:03:00 Views: 717 Comments: 0

ADRM “Danube” invites you to attend the EU-funded Horizon Europe EcoDaLLi Project Workshop “Restore our Ocean and Waters: EcoDaLLi stakeholders workshop on innovative solutions for improved Middle and Lower Danube protection, restoration and spatial governance”, 25th of October 2023, from 9:30 to 12:30 (CEST) Organized by ICLEI Europe and ADRM, to be held as a parallel event within the 12th EUSDR Annual Forum, at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia.

Link for in-person registration here

Link for online registration here

Find the agenda here

The EU-funded Horizon Europe EcoDaLLi Project aims to centralize Danube governance structures in terms of innovative solutions for improved ecological restoration, protection and preservation of the Danube basin, Danube Delta and Black Sea region. These two parallel workshops will bring together stakeholders from business, academia, governance and civil society to discuss needs, challenges, interlinkages and gaps between local and regional Middle and Lower Danube restoration strategies.

These workshops are designed as two sessions taking shape in a participatory way with attendees split in 3 working groups on each session, divided by the Mission Ocean main topics: “Ecosystem Restoration for increased Biodiversity and Resilience”, “Reduction or elimination of Water Pollution” and “Circularity, Blue Economy and Decarbonization Actions”. Discussions will be conducted considering the main topics addressed for the Living Labs in Middle and Lower Danube:

● Climate Change: protection of local communities and ecosystems from extreme events, and development of climate change mitigation measures.

● Water Systems: advancement of local economic activities and man-made solutions, and deployment of wastewater solutions for the facilitation of innovation actions.

Hoping that you will share your experience and knowledge with us, related to the main topics Climate Change and Water Systems, we rely on your participation!

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